D series– category –

ProductsD series

D Series

The D series was originally designed to be our most cost-effective introductory cymbal, but it far exceeded our expectations.
This series comes in two finishes: fully lathed and Half Turk. Both versions are excellent all-around cymbals that deliver performance far beyond their price point.

The D series is perfect for working musicians, students, or drumming enthusiasts who want a professional B20-sounding instrument at great value. The Half Turk models are semi-dry and slightly more complex compared to the fully lathed version.

Like our other B20Ti lines, the D series uses our proprietary B20Ti alloy. However, we streamlined the production process to bring you an outstanding cymbal at an affordable price. These cymbals sound so good that they shouldn’t just be called “introductory” instruments.


このシリーズには、全面レイシング仕上げとHalf Turk仕上げの2種類があります。どちらもその価格帯とは思えないほど、あらゆる用途に適したシンバルです。

Dシリーズは、プロ仕様のB20サウンドを求めるワーキングミュージシャンや学生、ドラム愛好家に最適です。Half Turkモデルはセミドライで、全面レイシングモデルに比べて少し複雑な音色を持っています。

